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☛ Djinns


Green Djinns - Efreet

Localização da fortaleza Mal'ouquah:



NPC ALESAR (armas e armaduras)


Nome NPC compra por:
NPC vende por:
Bonebreaker 10000 gp -
Dragon Hammer 2000 gp -
Dreaded Cleaver 15000 gp -
Giant Sword 17000 gp -
Haunted Blade 8000 gp -
Ice Rapier - 5000 gp
Knight Axe 2000 gp -
Onyx Flail 22000 gp -
Ornamented Axe 20000 gp -
Poison Dagger 50 gp -
Scimitar 150 gp -
Serpent Sword 900 gp 6000 gp
Skull Staff 6000 gp -
Titan Axe 4000 gp -

Nome NPC compra por:
NPC vende por:
Ancient Shield 900 gp 5000 gp
Black Shield 800 gp -
Tower Shield 8000 gp -
Vampire Shield 15000 gp -

Nome NPC compra por:
NPC vende por:
Dark Armor 400 gp 1500 gp
Dark Helmet 250 gp 1000 gp
Knight Armor 5000 gp -
Knight Legs 5000 gp -
Mystic Turban 150 gp -
Strange Helmet 500 gp -
Warrior Helmet 5000 gp -

NPC YAMAN (itens mágicos)


Nome NPC compra por:
NPC vende por:
Hailstorm Rod 3000 gp -
Moonlight Rod 200 gp -
Necrotic Rod 1000 gp -
Northwind Rod 1500 gp -
Snakebite Rod 100 gp -
Springsprout Rod 3600 gp -
  Terra Rod 2000 gp -
Underworld Rod 4400 gp -

Nome NPC compra por:
NPC vende por:
Dwarven Ring 100 gp 2000 gp
Energy Ring 100 gp 2000 gp
Life Ring 50 gp 900 gp
Might Ring 250 gp 5000 gp
Ring of Healing 100 gp 2000 gp
Time Ring 100 gp 2000 gp

Nome NPC compra por:
NPC vende por:
Dragon Necklace 100 gp 1000 gp
Protection Amulet 100 gp 700 gp
Silver Amulet 50 gp 100 gp
Strange Talisman 30 gp 100 gp

Nome NPC compra por:
NPC vende por:
Ankh 100 gp -
Mysterious Fetish 50 gp -
Itens especiais

NPC Vende por:
Enchanted Chicken Wing 1 Boots of Haste
Spirit Container 2 Royal Helmets
Magic Sulphur 3 Fire Swords
Flask of Warrior's Sweat 4 Warrior Helmets


Blue Djinns - Marid

Localização da fortaleza Ashta'daramai:

Clique na imagem para ampliar


NPC NAH'BOB (armas e armaduras)


Nome NPC compra por:
NPC vende por:
Angelic Axe
5000 gp -
500 gp -
Butcher's Axe
18000 gp -
Dragon Lance
9000 gp -
Fire Axe
8000 gp -
Fire Sword 4000 gp -
Glorious Axe
3000 gp -
Ice Rapier
1000 gp -
Obsidian Lance
500 gp -
Queen's Sceptre 20000 gp -
Shadow Sceptre 10000 gp -
Spike Sword 1000 gp 8000 gp
Thaian Sword
16000 gp -
War Hammer 1200 gp 10000 gp

Nome NPC compra por:
NPC vende por:
Beholder Shield 1200 gp 7000 gp
Crown Shield 8000 gp  -
Dragon Shield 4000 gp  -
Guardian Shield 2000 gp  -
Phoenix Shield 16000 gp  -

Nome NPC compra por:
NPC vende por:
Blue Robe 10000 gp -
Boots of Haste 30000 gp -
Crown Armor 12000 gp -
Crown Helmet 2500 gp -
Crown Legs 12000 gp -
Crusader Helmet 6000 gp -
Noble Armor 900 gp 8000 gp
Royal Helmet 30000 gp -

NPC HAROUN (itens mágicos)


Nome NPC compra por:
NPC vende por:
Wand of Cosmic Energy
 2000 gp -
Wand of Decay  1000 gp -
Wand of Draconia  1500 gp -
Wand of Dragonbreath  200 gp -
Wand of Inferno  3000 gp -
Wand of Starstorm  3600 gp -
Wand of Voodoo  4400 gp -
Wand of Vortex  100 gp -

Nome NPC compra por:
NPC vende por:
Axe Ring
100 gp 500 gp
Club Ring 100 gp 500 gp
Power Ring 50 gp 100 gp
Stealth Ring 200 gp 5000 gp
Sword Ring 100 gp 500 gp

Nome NPC compra por:
NPC vende por:
Bronze Amulet 50 gp 100 gp
Elven Amulet 100 gp 500 g
Garlic Necklace 50 gp 100 gp
Stone Skin Amulet 500 gp 5000 gp

Nome NPC compra por:
NPC vende por:
  Life Crystal
50 gp -
  Magic Light Wand 35 gp 120 gp
Mind Stone 100 gp -
  Orb 750 gp -
Itens especiais

NPC Vende por:
Enchanted Chicken Wing 1 Boots of Haste
Spirit Container 2 Royal Helmets
Magic Sulphur 3 Fire Swords
Flask of Warrior's Sweat 4 Warrior Helmets


☛ Lista Rashid



 by: Anderslash / GrYllO (TibiaBR)


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